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Thursday, November 3, 2011


So, the end of the year is fast approaching and Thanksgiving is "Right....Around....The....Corner..  In my mind, I have so much to say, so much to talk about....just so much.....so bare with me please...lol

First off, I am so very thankful for my family, my husband who goes to work every single day, even when he is sick, or achey or just wanting to stay home. He never complains about it, he just does it. He may not make a ton, but he provides. We can now count on him to be the man who takes care of his family, puts a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, we have heat for the cold and enjoy the air in the heat while he is busting his rear sweating and dehydrating, all for us. Because of his hard work, our bills are paid, we live in a decent home, with nice furniture, a great backyard for our kids to be kids and play...we have a home to call home... To say he has come far is an understatement. I love him to the moon and back and thank God for him!

I am so very thankful for my kids. The love I feel for you is something that is so undescribable, so deep and so filled with emotion, there are not enough words to express! Until you are a parent, you will never know this type of love. And I pray you feel it as I have been blessed to do in a different way with each of you! Brittany, you were the 1st, the one that was my "trial and error" baby. You love me even through the mistakes I have made while raising you. You were my first heartfelt blessing that I can ever remember feeling this overwhelming gut wrenching love for. You gave me a reason to wake up, a reason to want more in life, a reason to make you do different than I did! For that I am thankful...
Dominique, you are my smiley, want to do everything for everybody baby. You always want to make everyone around you feel loved. You are also my "testing" child...testing my patience and making sure I pass each and every time. My child that needs her mommy as much as mommy needs her! Always waking up each morning with a smile, those sparkly blue eyes and a snuggle...For that I am thankful!  Mariah, my brown eyed girl...my little mousey baby, that I wasn't sure would live to be here when an emergency c/section was needed because the cord was around your neck. My baby that is name Mariah Grace, meaning "Bittersweet" and "Of God"...I thought you were my last, I thought I was done...you make me smile with your sweetness, your heart of gold and your love for life! You have taught me how to take time to see even the smallest of good in a bad situation. Your love for animals is amazing and alittle nutty at times, but that is what makes you who you are and for that, I am thankful!  Elijah, my sonny bunny boy. My spoiled but not rotten, much wanted, much loved and so very easy little guy. You are my last biological child. You have given me a new meaning of life. Of all of my babies, you were my surprise, not only from the beginning, but to finding out we weren't having "another" girl, but an actual boy. You know, the opposite sex, which has a penis, that likes to play with trucks, cars, action figures, not dolls, makeup and princess castles! lol....You have taught me that life has come a long way from a couple years ago. You have brought a new meaning to the word love, in the same sense as your sisters, but in a different way as well. You are mommies baby boy, my everything. I love that I am able to stay home with you everyday and watch you grow, play, learn....For that, I am thankful!  Deanna Marie, you may share the same daddy as your siblings, and have a different mom, but young lady, I love you to my inner soul as well! The times you are here, making our home feel complete, seeing your beautiful sun shiney face, hearing you laugh, sharing good times and being able to enjoy the small amounts of time we are blessed with are not only important, but such a blessing. You have a way of making us smile, making us laugh and "Guadalupe Lopez Munoz, with chonklas, eating queso and drinking leche...dos chocolates...muy bien"....OMGosh I don't think I ever laughed that hard...and I know you know, if you ever read this, what that means! lol...Just know I love you and feel blessed to have you part of my life, and for that I am thankful!

I am also beyond thankful for my family that has known me my entire life, you all have been my strength when I needed it, my encouragement when I needed it, my up when I was down! Every family has it's times, and...we all have issues, but we love eachother and forgive...move on and continue to be family. To have my Mom, who I never have to pay to do my hair (lol, thanks mommy!) but really, you have been here in so many ways, so even when I don't say it, I love you and am thankful for you. My Dad and Mom2, you both have been a blessing to us as well. I can never count the ways, times or have the words to say thank you for being who you are! And for you as well, with miles between us, I don't always get to tell you, but I love you and am thankful for you both! I am blessed and thankful to have a healthy relationship with my own sister. One of the very few people I call when I REALLY need to talk to someone, one of the very few people who I can have "inside" jokes with that no matter what the situation, we both can LOL every single time....I love you and am so thankful the Lord gave me you as a sister, we may be so different in so many ways, but we are so alike in many others! I am thankful for my brother in law Brian for the 20 years he has put up with us as a family (HEHEHE), the providing he does for his own, from maturing from a boy to a man..and yet still being able to joke about "Ghetto and Trailer"....So very thankful I am here to watch my niece finish school, go off to college, my nephews grow, learn, see the young men they are growing to be, the priviliage of watching one of my nephews come into this world was one to mark as one of my greatest memories! For that memory, even though Milkdud is almost 3, I am thankful.....I am thankful for my own little brother, though I don't see him too much, I know he loves me in his own way, and I love you too Mr. Magoo! To my extended family, my husbands family....Who would have thought we would have ended up family huh? You have shown me another type of family love. Your selflishness, giving and love for others first is out of this world. When life has been hard, no matter what is going on in your own life, you still are wearing neon standing out, bright as the sun shining, willing to help. Tia Michele, in all of the time I have known you, you radiate love for family. Your grandkids, your daughter, son in law, your brother, who I know is missed so very much. Your love for Danny, for my kids, for me...For that I am thankful! For Danny's sisters, Carolyn and her family, his sister Tina, you have allowed us to be part of your life, to watch you grow as beautiful women of God. To watch families blossom and live through the life of another college student....The beauty you both and your families hold inside and out, are so special...For all of you, mine, his, ours, combined, I am thankful beyond measure!

To all of our friends, and those maybe not mentioned. You are all part of....part of our lives, part of our thoughts, part of our prayers. You may not be mentioned in black and white on a silly blog, but you are thought of. You are loved and cared about. You know, some friends I may not talk to for a very long time, maybe years, but the moment we catch up, it's like life never passed us by and time stood still. Some friends, maybe new friends..we have  just hit it off from the start....It doesn't matter, everyone of you are included! I am thankful for my family and friends, without you, I wouldn't be me, I wouldn't have the ability to love, feel, care....For that I am thankful.  I just wanted to tell you all before I got to old to remember who you were....or for that fact, who I am...and that's it is because of you that I am me! xoxo