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Friday, May 21, 2010

Let it flow....

You know, when I was abit younger, I loved to write. I would write stories, poems, anything....I have to LOL because as I was typing out the first sentence, I was thinking, man, I even wrote letters..Something not to many people do anymore with the email, text messages, internet message boards...Any way, I absolutely loved to write, didn't matter what the subject was about, I could do it. English was always one of my favorite classes in school, verbs, nouns, you name it, I aced it! I had quite a collection of poems (this was really my favorite to write), a whole little hard cover book full of poems. I had been collecting them since elementary school and as I got older, I transferred all of them into this neat little book. Once Brittany was born, I wrote many poems about her, for her and to her. I even had one published in a book. Sadly, both the book of poems and the book my poem was published in are now a thing of the past (when I left with the girls, I left the books...oh well, they are only material right?).

I guess my whole reason for this post is I feel like I have an outlet, someplace to not only share my life with whoever is interested, but a place I can once again store poems, stories, whatever is on my mind (even if it makes no sense to anyone other than me...even if the poems, stories, whatever are boring, blah or ridiculous). Someplace to zone out and in a sense, be productive. I may not be up dusting, folding laundry, mopping floors, I mean common' you can only do so much of that...But I can be productive in another way. I haven't actually sat down to write anything (other than a grocery list or to fill out an envelope filled with pictures of the kids to be mailed out) for so long that it feels good to just let the thoughts flow.

This blog thing might just have something to it....I never understood why there were so many blogs, I think I just might understand now. I'm not sure if it's the newness, or a new found addiction, but I'm enjoying whatever it is.

Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.......

A mother's love....

Thinking back, to my younger days, partying with friends, catching the rays...
Thinking back, I had it all, nothing mattered, just having a ball....
Thinking back, life was grand, sleeping in, money in hand....
Thinking back, I had a good childhood, lot's of family and friends so dear.....
Thinking back, I never knew the love I would feel in just a few short years....

Here in the present, it's now my children's parties that I plan, drive all over and meet their demands...
Here in the present, I know - I am who I am, all because of the life I had way back when....
Here in the present, my life is great, may not have the money in hand, and no more sleeping til noon, but I knew life would change as soon as I had you.....
Here in the present, my kids bring me a love that comes from deep within the heart, it's unconditional and was there from the start...
 Here in the present, I thank the Lord each day, for blessing me with my babies that I've watched sleep, grow and play....
Here in the present, know that I love you and it continues to grow....It's only a love that a mother would know....

I love you Britt, Nique, Riah and Lijah boy......You will always be my babies, even when your old and gray...You all have brought such joy and love into my life, in a lot of the same ways, and in many different ways. It really doesn't matter how, all I know is I never knew this type of love until you were conceived and then born. It's a totally different type of love than I have for my parents, siblings, husband, friends....This love is an undying, mind blowing love. I love you to the moon and back and forever and eternity....
Love Mommy

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