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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Giving thanks to Jesus!! Today is a great day!!

Just wanted to publicly give praise to God for letting today be a good day. I have faith I will continue this day without the horrendous facial pain I have been feeling non-stop for I don't even know how long! This scripture fits so well into how I am feeling today, so much that I literally feel the Holy Spirit with me, the warmth, the love, the caring and compassion from my father......Praise the Lord, oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is GOOD, for his mercy endures forever, who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can declare his praise? Psalms 106:1-2

It's not always, I admit outright, that I worship the way I should. It's not always I act like I should....but I do know the how's and whys of doing so in the Lord....Today is one of the days I just feel the need to be vocal, sing, worship, dance for our creator...to let Jesus know I love and appreciate his sacrifice, the pain I feel is nothing to what he had to endure and yet he did it for me...Praise you father......Thank you for your son, for your faithfulness, for your promise and your allowing me to be who I am and still love me regardless of anything I have ever done or ever will do!

May your day be full of God's blessings.......

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